Edo House

Edo House

Postal: 509-4224
10-19, Tonomachi, Hida City, Gifu, Japan

privacy policy

At EdoHouse (hereinafter referred to as "the guesthouse"), we comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and recognize the importance of the personal information we collect from our guests as well as our social responsibility to protect that information. We will adhere to the following basic policy regarding the protection of personal information.

1. Collection of Personal Information
The guesthouse will collect personal information within an appropriate scope through operations such as reservations, stays, and inquiries.

2. Use of Personal Information
The personal information obtained by the guesthouse will be used to the extent necessary for business execution, within the purpose of use indicated at the time of collection or within a reasonable range related to that purpose. Additionally, when jointly using personal information with third parties or outsourcing the handling of personal information to third parties, we will supervise them to ensure the appropriate use of personal information.

3. Security Management of Personal Information
We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and to ensure its safe management.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Personal information will not be disclosed or provided to any third parties except in the following cases:
- When the guest has given consent
- When disclosed in a form that cannot identify the individual
- When disclosure is required by law
- When necessary to protect the life, body, or property of a person, and it is difficult to obtain the guest's consent
- When cooperation is needed for the execution of affairs prescribed by law by national agencies, local governments, or their entrusted persons
- When a formal inquiry based on law is received from courts, prosecutors, police, bar associations, or other authorities with similar powers

5. Disclaimer of Personal Information
The guesthouse will not be responsible for any acquisition of personal information by third parties in the following cases:
- When the guest discloses personal information to specific companies
- When the guest can be identified due to information entered by themselves or others
- When information that can identify the guest is obtained by someone other than the guest
- When personal information is provided by the guest on other websites linked to this website

6. Disclosure/Correction of Personal Information
The guesthouse will promptly respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., of personal information from the guest in accordance with applicable laws.


Contact Information for Personal Information Inquiries
10-25 Kanamori-cho, Furukawa, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture 509-4224
Edo Co., Ltd.
TEL: 080-1895-9133